Interested in using High Performance Computing with spatial data? Next Monday 9th September at 13:00, we organize a webinar focusing on training resources for GeoHPC using CSC Finland’s supercomputing resources.
Register here:
As part of the Geoportti RI project, we have developed a “Spatial Data Analysis with High-Performance Computing” website with lessons developed for Python programming. The lessons show examples of spatial data science when HPC can be used in parallelization such as shortest path analysis at big scale, point aggregation at the global level, big data download, and ML applied to Earth Observation.
The Lessons are packed as Jupyter Notebook in a GitHub repository that users can access and use for self-learning. The HPC resources are provided by CSC Puhti supercomputer.
In this online webinar, we will review the public material available, give recommendations for self-learning, and answer questions in general.