The community section contains lists of the research and education actors and the networks they participate in. The Geoportti geospatial community aims to enhance interaction of geospatial research and education users from different disciplines of science. In addition to the largest user community in universities and research institutes working in geoinformatics, geography, geology, environmental and natural resource research, the community is expected to be growing in to engineering, humanities, business and many other fields where spatial distribution and location of phenomena is of interest.
The terms of use of Geoportti RI services are listed on the page About.
The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics (FIUGINET) is the collaboration forum for academic research, teaching and interaction with the society in the field of geoinformatics.
The networks consists of seven universities and also involves the IT Center for Science (CSC) and it organizes annual the National Geoinformatics research days.
Finnish Research Institute Partnership (Tulanet) is the cooperation body of ten public research institutes.
The aim of Tulanet is to promote co-operation between its members and with other actors in research sector. Tulanet also aims to influence the Finnish research policy. Cooperation takes place at several levels: management – researchers – experts. The members of Tulanet are Finnish Food Authority, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), National Land Survey of Finland (NLS), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH).
Other Networks
List of national and international networks.
Research and Education
This page shows geospatial research and education actors in Finland. In the descriptions you can find actors working within the organizations.