Additional resources and links

Global online learning resources

Learning materials and courses for learning GIS and using ArcGIS platforms

Learning materials on how to use Copernicus data and resources, and how they have been applied in practice

NASA program that provides training on the use of NASA Earth Science data

Webinars and video tutorials that focus mostly on the NASA Earth Science data, tools and services

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team offers training material for people who wish to volunteer as a part of the HOT team

FOSS technology guides

Resources on how to use open source projects and tools for geospatial tasks

Geosolutions provide comprehensive training materials for learning how to use Geoserver

The QGIS documentation page contains user guides, training manuals and gentle introductions to GIS

Tutorials, articles and examples that help to learn R and its extensions

Developers’ site for learning how to use GEE