The new spatial data product have been published. Feel free to get familiar with the newest data at HAKKU-service (
Young faults and landslides
Young faults and landslides are the collection of classificated Late and postglacial surface ruptures and landslides in Finland. The observations are based on LiDAR DEMs, geophysical measurements, drilling and field studies. Observations have been collected from literature (reports and peer-reviewed papers), thematic maps produced by GTK and Posiva Oy, and oral accounts. The delineation and calculation of faults and landslides is based on LiDAR DEMs (National Land Survey of Finland).
Isotopes in groundwater
Isotopes in groundwater contains the isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in Finnish groundwater and precipitation. Majority of the dataset base on the isotope records of groundwater collected in the GTK’s “One thousand well” (1999) and “Monitoring of groundwater quality” (1995 – 2007) -projects. One time and monitoring type sampling data is also included. The monitoring data is given as an average of the sampling occasions including standard deviation and maximum and minimum values. The long-term monthly and annual weighted mean values for the isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in the monthly cumulative precipitation are presented. The monthly amount of precipitation were used for the weighting the isotope values. On the basis of the Personal Data Act and Personal Data File Decree, the data is confidential information, which restricts the use, distribution and publishing of the data. The location of points has been generalized in Lähde-web map application
Glacial features (extensive update)
The glacial features dataset shows Finland’s glacial features. The features dataset includes e.g. eskers, deltas, interlobate and marginal deposits, drumlins, flutings, transverse moraine (till) deposits, hummocky moraine, littoral deposits and erosional crescent throughs and erosional valleys classified as through valleys. Classification is primarily based on geomorphology and the geological processes have been taken into consideration with classification. The dataset has been produced since 2015 and is continually further refined with ongoing data collection processes. The dataset is based on interpretation and existing data.
Geological Survey of Finland