Year: 2019
A method to assess significant trends in time series of thematic forest maps
A contextual Mann-Kendall (CMK) test was applied to detect trends in time-series of 9-10 thematic forest maps from two decades at various size of units. The Mann-Kendall test tests for a monotonic trend in the time-series and it is suitable for small sample sizes. The CMK test incorporates spatial autocorrelation, which is often present in…
The Academy of Finland funds two geospatial research projects at University of Turku
Researchers at the department of geography and geology at University of Turku have received funding from the Academy of Finland for two projects working with geospatial data and methods. The projects focus on very different phenomena, going from urban green infrastructures to human linguistic, genetic and cultural diversity. Adjunct professor Nora Fagerholm will start her…
The new data available at HAKKU-service by GTK
The new spatial data product have been published. Feel free to get familiar with the newest data at HAKKU-service ( Young faults and landslides Young faults and landslides are the collection of classificated Late and postglacial surface ruptures and landslides in Finland. The observations are based on LiDAR DEMs, geophysical measurements, drilling and field studies.…
Updates and new content at Geoportti
Have you ever wondered what kind of geospatial research is done in different universities and research institutions around Finland or which disciplines teach geospatial courses at the universities? We at Geoportti have updated the Research and education (1)–subsection with descriptions written by the organizations themselves. Visit the subsection to learn about the geospatial activities in…
New doctoral dissertation on the remote sensing observations for snow-covered landscape
Kirsikka Heinilä defended successfully her thesis on the remote sensing observations for snow cover on the 30.11.2019. In her work, Kirsikka Heinilä studied optical remote sensing methods, and their accuracy, on deriving snow cover information on the forested landscape. The complete work with title “Effects of boreal forest on multi-scale optical remote sensing observations for…
GeoCubes Finland – QGIS plugin
A QGIS plugin to access raster data on GeoCubes Finland, maintained by Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI). What is GeoCubes Finland? GeoCubes Finland is a harmonized, multi-resolution raster geodata repository. The repository contains several key national datasets on themes such as elevation, land cover and forestry. Read more at the GeoCubes Finland main site: Harmonized…
The 2017 multisource forest maps and municipality level statistics have been released by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
The multisource national forest inventory (MS-NFI) forest resource maps and the municipality level forest resource statistics describing the state of forests in 2017 (MS-NFI-OA-2017) are ready for use. The forest resource maps can be viewed at Paikkatietoikkuna and downloaded in full resolution from the Luke download service. The forest resource maps (2013, 2015 and 2017…
Satellite image based summary on algae blooms from last summer published in SYKE’s Tarkka-service
SYKE applies Earth Observation in the monitoring of algae blooms in the Baltic and satellite image based summary on algae bloom situation from the last summer is now published in the Tarkka-service by SYKE. Earth Observation data is used in the weekly and seasonal national algae bloom reporting as one of the essential data sources. A general…
WeSeaChallenge – a healthy and productive Baltic Sea with open satellite data and a race for 8500 euros
The WeSeaChallenge pre-event is organized on the 20th of September 2019 at Turku School of Economics. The challenge focuses on creating new and innovative ways of using open satellite data for a healthy and productive Baltic Sea. The pre-event brings together experts from different fields in science, business and information technology to discuss about the…
A compiler approach to map algebra by Jesús Carabaño Bravo
M.Sc. (Tech.) Jesús Carabaño Bravo defended his doctoral thesis Aug 30th 2019 in computer engineering/software engineering at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo Akademi University. The title of the thesis is “A Compiler Approach to Map Algebra for Raster Spatial Modeling” and it proposes a compiler approach to map algebra. The idea of…