Month: October 2019
GeoCubes Finland – QGIS plugin
A QGIS plugin to access raster data on GeoCubes Finland, maintained by Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI). What is GeoCubes Finland? GeoCubes Finland is a harmonized, multi-resolution raster geodata repository. The repository contains several key national datasets on themes such as elevation, land cover and forestry. Read more at the GeoCubes Finland main site: Harmonized…
The 2017 multisource forest maps and municipality level statistics have been released by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
The multisource national forest inventory (MS-NFI) forest resource maps and the municipality level forest resource statistics describing the state of forests in 2017 (MS-NFI-OA-2017) are ready for use. The forest resource maps can be viewed at Paikkatietoikkuna and downloaded in full resolution from the Luke download service. The forest resource maps (2013, 2015 and 2017…