New Earth Observation Guide

The EO guide is located on CSC documentation pages…

HOWTO: OpenDroneMap in cPouta

Updated instructions on how to install OpenDroneMap (ODM) drone mapping software on CSC’s cPouta…

Online workshop: CSC and Geoportti services for research using spatial data 14.12.2022

Join us for a three part online afternoon to learn about CSC services and why you might want to use…

Tulanetin infrapäivän 5.10.2022 antia

Parempaa tutkimusta ja innovaatioita tutkimusinfrastruktuurien yhteiskäytöllä: lue Tulanetin…

Course: Practical machine learning with spatial data (7.11. – 9.11.2022, at CSC)

The course gives a practical introduction to machine learning with spatial data, both to shallow…

EO Workshop

Geoportti is organizing an Earth Observation workshop to bring the EO community together to: The…

Geoinformatics research days 2022

The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics (Fiuginet) organizes the annual Geoinformatics…

Save the date: Geoinformatics research days 9-10.5.2022

The Geoinformatics Research days will be arranged as a two-day hybrid conference on May 9-10, 2022…

Geoinformatics Research Days 4.-5.5.2021, online

The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics (FIUGINET) organizes the annual Geoinformatics…

GIS data in CSC’s Allas and Puhti

CSC’s Allas, a modern object storage system, is an easy way for CSC users to store research data…

Location Innovation Hub (LIH) News