The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics FIUGINET is the collaboration forum for academic research, teaching and interaction with the society in the field of geoinformatics. The aim of the network is to coordinate, boost, develop and support university level research and teaching by the means of acquiring and distributing data and software resources and through training, collaborative projects and advancing the development of an international network. The network advances interdisciplinary co-operation both within the network and more broadly in the academic world. Moreover, the network serves as a communication channel within the academia and to the society.
FIUGINET organizes the annual National Geoinformatics Research Days. and maintains Geoportti, the Hub for Finnish Geospatial Research and Education Resources.
The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics FIUGINET is the network for coordinating collaboration in the field of geoinformatics in Finland.
FIUGINET builds on the work of previous networks, such as the virtual university of geoinformatics (Geoinformatiikan virtuaaliyliopisto), consortium for acquiring geospatial data, the advisory board of geoinformatics research and teaching (Geoinformatiikan tutkimuksen ja opetuksen neuvottelukunta) and the research and teaching branch of the advisory board of geoinformatics (Paikkatietoasiain neuvottelukunta).
There has been a clear need for a permanent, extensive network to support research and teaching in the field of geoinformatics. Furthermore, many national processes concerned with geoinformatics require a uniform academic representative body. The need for such a network has also been acknowledged by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish Council of University Rectors.
In September 2008, the rectors of the universities of Helsinki, Joensuu, Oulu and Turku and of the Helsinki University of Technology signed the FIUGINET treaty. A temporary board, assigned in the treaty, formulated operational guidelines for the network and approved them in the organizing meeting on 16.3.2009.
Teaching geoinformatics
FIUGINET offers geoinformatics training to the students of the network. Many of the courses can be attended with the Flexible Study Right (JOO-studies). Additionally, FIUGINET member universities offer web courses. When you find an interesting course, check from the organizing department how to enrol and if there are maximum number of participants or requirements for preceding studies. More information on JOO-studies can be found Finnish universities’ own web-pages. You need approval from both your home university and the organizing university to be able to enrol.
Mature students can apply for non-degree study right to enrol geoinformatics courses (get in touch with the contact person or academic and study affairs office of the organizing department). Furthermore, some courses are offered by the Open University.
University departments providing geoinformatics teaching (including contact person information):
Aalto University, Department of Built Environment
Senior University Lecturer Petri Rönnholm, firstname.lastname@aalto.fi (without umlauts), phone +358 50 5930534.
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Geographical and Historical Studies
Professor Alfred Colpaert, firstname.surname@uef.fi, phone: +358 50 400 7427
University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences
Professor Timo Tokola, firstname.surname@uef.fi, phone: +358 50 4015 835
University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Geography
Professor Tuuli Toivonen, firstname.surname@helsinki.fi, phone: +358 2941 51643
University of Helsinki, The Department of Forest Sciences
Professor Markus Holopainen, firstname.surname@helsinki.fi, phone: +358 2941 58181
University of Jyväskylä, The Department of Biological and Environmental Science
University lecturer Anssi Lensu, firstname.surname@jyu.fi, phone: +358 40 805 3903
University of Oulu, Department of Geography
Harri Antikainen, firstname.surname@oulu.fi
University of Turku, Department of Geography and Geology
Professor Niina Käyhkö, firstname.surname@utu.fi, phone: +358 400 310427
Research infrastructures
FIUGINET is co-hosting, together with research institutes, Geoportti – The Hub for for Finnish Geospatial Research and Education Resources.
Geoportti is an open and shared service for the entire Finnish scientific research community using geospatial data and computing tools. Geoportti helps researchers in Finland to use, refine, preserve and share their geospatial data and resources.
FIUGINET, as the representative of Finnish universities is constantly working towards improving geoinformatics infrastructure and thereby implement the Open Science and Research Initiative (Ministry of Education and Culture) and the EU-directive INSPIRE.
The Geoportti -infrastructure includes
- Services for finding and downloading geospatial data
- Tools for geospatial computing
- Platform for sharing your reseacher models
- Platform for sharing reseach data
- Geoinformatics education and training resources and sharing
Data download services (please check for latest updates at Geoportti.fi)
PaITuli: geospatial data download service for Finnish universities including geospatial data of national research institutes (administrator CSC)
AVAA: open research data publishing platform (administrator CSC)
Paikkatietoikkuna: public viewing service open to all and providing geospatial data of national research institutes (administrator National Land Survey)
Geoinformatics software infrastructure
Member universities
CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.
High-performance computing and data management
CSC – computing services and data management services
Training and support services
Member universities
CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.
Overview of CSC’s services in geoinformatics: https://research.csc.fi/geosciences
Network and board

FIUGINET is a network based on an agreement between universities.
The board of the network has formulated the agenda of FIUGINET.
Member universities
FIUGINET members include Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, University of Lapland, University of Oulu, Tampere University, University of Turku and University of Vaasa. The aim is that the network encompasses all those universities in Finland that conduct research and training in geoinformatics.
FIUGINET board is comprised of:
- University of Eastern Finland: Eliisa Lotsari (member, chairman of the network), Mariana Verdonen (deputy member)
- University of Oulu: Harri Antikainen (member, vice-chairman of the network), Ossi Kotavaara (deputy member)
- University of Helsinki: Petteri Muukkonen (member), Tuuli Toivonen (deputy member)
- Aalto University: Jussi Nikander (member), Henrikki Tenkanen (deputy member)
- University of Jyväskylä: Anssi Lensu (member), Kirsi Vehkakoski (deputy member)
- University of Lapland: Arto Vitikka (member), Osmo Rätti (deputy member)
- Tampere University: Simona Lohan (member), Jaana Vanhatalo (deputy member)
- University of Turku: Niina Käyhkö (member), Petteri Alho (deputy member)
- University of Vaasa: Heidi Kuusniemi (member), Helka Kalliomäki (deputy member)
Mailing list and contact information
FIUGINET mailing list (open subscription to all interested in university geoinformatics): fiuginet-member [at] helsinki.fi
Contact FIUGINET board by email: fiuginet-board [at] helsinki.fi
If you wish to subscribe to and unsubscribe from the mailing list, contact the FIUGINET board.