Support for researchers to use FOSS tools in research activities.
CSC resources

Guide for researchers to work with Earth Observation (EO) data using CSC’s computing resources.

Archive of presentation materials from CSC’s geocomputing seminars.

Update your geoscience and geocomputing skills with these self-paced study materials.

User guides, FAQs and tutorials related to CSC services.

Collection of python packages that facilitate the development of python scripts for geoinformatics applications.

Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis
Online version of the book Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis, where the basics of Python programming and geographic data analysis are introduced for all “geo-minded” people.
Henrikki Tenkanen, Vuokko Heikinheimo & David Whipp

Geographic Data Science with Python
This book provides the tools, the methods, and the theory to meet the challenges of contemporary data science applied to geographic problems and data.
Sergio J. Rey, Dani Arribas-Bel & Levi J. Wolf

This is the online home of Geocomputation with R, a book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling. All code can be accessed via GitHub repository.
Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad & Jannes Muenchow

Spatial Analysis with QGIS: Introduction to basic spatial operations
The Spatial Analysis with QGIS website gives an introduction to basic spatial operations using the open source GIS desktop software QGIS.
Aalto University