Online Snakemake hackathon

On 22.05.24 CSC will organize an online Snakemake hackathon.

Snakemake is a common entry tool in the world of computational workflows, coming from the Bioinformatics world. 

The tool is designed to support you in setting up a workflow system, which opposed to a “your favorite language here” script, helps you keep track of your processes.

For Snakemake, the user has to define inputs and outputs and the tool will figure out the order of steps and which steps can be run in parallel. 

This hackathon is open for all, free of charge and independent of field of Science and it is all about setting up your workflow with Snakemake and getting your own workflows to the supercomputer (Puhti, Mahti, Lumi or other).

We will provide an introduction to Snakemake, a supercomputing concept refresher and some considerations about Snakemake on the supercomputer before you get to work on your own workflow with the support of our specialists.

You can join the whole event or only parts of it.

This is event is supported by Geoportti and we will have geoinformatics specialists available to support you with your geoinformatics/remote sensing workflows! Please check the event page for the schedule, prerequisites and registration: