Year: 2024
LBS2025, Otaniemi, Espoo – Third call for papers
We are delighted to welcome you to the 19th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS) which will take place in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland on May 7-9, 2025. Please consider submitting a full paper, an abstract, or a showcase by following the guidelines given in our Call for Papers: The deadline for full papers…
Sensors special issue: “Remote Sensing and UAV Technologies for Environmental Monitoring”
Sensors is a journal dedicated to a wide scope of sensorand imaging technologies and related topics. UAVtechnologies for environmental imaging and UAV sensordevelopment and image processing therefore fall withinthe journal’s scope. Prof. Dr. Alfred Colpaert is a guest editor on the special issue “Remote Sensing and UAV Technologies for Environmental Monitoring”. Deadline for manuscript submissions:…
19th Conference on Location Based Services
LBS2025 – First call for papers We are delighted to welcome you to the 19th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS) which will take place in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland on May 7-9, 2025. Please consider submitting a full paper, an abstract, or a showcase by following the guidelines given in our Call for Papers: The…
GeoHPC Webinar Monday 9th Sep 13:00
Interested in using High Performance Computing with spatial data? Next Monday 9th September at 13:00, we organize a webinar focusing on training resources for GeoHPC using CSC Finland’s supercomputing resources. Register here: What? As part of the Geoportti RI project, we have developed a “Spatial Data Analysis with High-Performance Computing” website with lessons developed…
Geocomputing on supercomputer course on 9-10.10.2024
Welcome to the Geocomputing on supercomputer course at 9-10.10.2023. This course is offered free of charge, but registration is required (deadline: 1.10). You can choose to attend the course at CSC office in Espoo or remotely. In this course we will learn the basics of geocomputing on a supercomputer through a combination of lectures and hands-on…
UEF/MOOC: Processing of UAV remote sensing data with open-source software, 3 ECTS
The University of Eastern Finland has launched a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on DigiCampus learning platform and Open University. This course introduces students to the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and drone mapping using free open-source software. The course consists of online learning materials, computer lab work, and a final assignment. Find…
Infrastructures go international – Tulanet infra-day 2024 (open event)
October 29, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Erik Palménin aukio 1, Helsinki) The theme of Tulanet’s Infrastructure Day 2024 is internationality. We are part of European and global research infrastructures, we are internationally networked, and we interact with various national sister research infrastructures. What does this bring to us? During the Infrastructure Day, we will hear and…
Online Snakemake hackathon
On 22.05.24 CSC will organize an online Snakemake hackathon. Snakemake is a common entry tool in the world of computational workflows, coming from the Bioinformatics world. The tool is designed to support you in setting up a workflow system, which opposed to a “your favorite language here” script, helps you keep track of your processes.…
Historical maps of the National Land Survey of Finland available georeferenced via Geoportti RI.
National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) has published their old map sheets as georeferenced images. The dataset reveals interesting phenomena, for example the transformation of the agrarian society to city-centered one. The dataset covers the time span from mid-1800 to the present. The dataset is openly available at Geoportti Research Infrastructure via Paituli Download service.…
Geoinformatics Research Days 2024
Geoinformatics Research Days 2024 will take place on May 20-21st, 2024 and will be organized by Aalto University together with the Fiuginet network, hosted in Espoo, Finland. The event is held together with the ICA Commission on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualisation with targeted sessions and their members are also warmly welcome. More information.