During this year several new datasest have been added to Paituli:
- NLS, topographic database as nine files for whole Finland in GeoPackage format. The data is not divided to mapsheets, but to thematic files. See the Readme.txt file for details. The files are big (3-35 Gb), so use the HTTP, FTP, RSYNC links for download, see the links tab in the left part of Paituli download page.
- NLS, basic map thematic layers 2000. It is old dataset and differs from later basic maps. This dataset includes rasters according to map color.
- Karelia UAS and LUKE, erosion risk maps for agricultural fields. RUSLE erosion model and LIDAR-survey were used to calculate erosion risk maps. According to the RUSLE model, the map material combines the Slope Length and Steepness Factors (LS), the Soil Erodibility Factor (K), and the Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor (R), which represents the impact of these factors on erosion on completely exposed land (t/ha/year).
- LUKE, forest wind damage sensitivity map. The dataset describes the sensitivity of Finnish forests to wind disturbances. The map is based on a statistical model fitted with damage observations in the national forest inventory (NFI) combined with open GIS data layers from the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finnish Forest Centre, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geological Survey of Finland and National Land Survey of Finland. Wind damage sensitivity on the map is affected by tree height and dominant tree species, time since last thinning, open forest edges, wind conditions, site type, soil type and depth, and average temperature sum.
- LUKE, Lapinjärvi forest terrestial lidar. See Geoportti separate news.
- Additionally some older datasets have been updated.
- All SYKE datasets were removed from Paituli. Datasets from SYKE can be downloaded from SYKE’s open information service.